Introducing: The Special Love Blog

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Special Love is stepping into the wild world of social media with its very own blog; how far we have come from a neon-green xerox of the camp newspaper!

Show Your Holiday Spirit!

  ‘Tis the season to be Fantastic – by making it possible for kids with cancer to enjoy year-round fun at Special Love events like Fantastic Winter Weekend in January.  […]

Hero #30 – A Hero from Day One

Now appearing – Hero #30!  Here at last is the finale to Special Love’s 30th year of service to children with cancer and our “30 Years & 30 Heroes.” Click here to meet Jeff, […]

YACing It Up

Splashdown!  YAC 2010YAC weekend 2011 kicks off in Jamestown on Friday.  This Fantastic weekend nurtures a community of support for young adult survivors and brings old camp friends back together again.  


Last year we went to a Splashdown waterpark (clearly a big hit with the YACer at right).  This year we figure we’ll cut out the middle man and head straight to the ocean.  Sunshine and sea air; that’s what it’s all about.