Special Love, Inc.’s Kay/Moore Scholarship Fund for Young Adults with Cancer provides educational scholarships to former and current pediatric cancer patients. Age 17 to 25, pursuing post-secondary education or training and who are or have participated in Special Love programming.

Scholarships help them move past their cancer journey to attend college and live out their dreams for a fruitful future.  These young men and women endured challenges and heartache during their treatments, and moved on with their lives by exhibiting great courage and strength.  All have determined not to let cancer define them, or limit their futures.

Each year, the fund awards scholarships to applicants who have demonstrated a financial need, academic potential and involvement with Special Love programming.

Awards range from $1,000 to $3,500, and are intended to cover the student’s tuition and school fees only.

Questions? Email scholarships@specialove.org, or call (888) 930-2707.

Past recipients are encouraged to reapply!

For more information, contact Elena Jeannotte.

2025 Applications are now open!

Applications will close on May 2, 2025.