My inspiration….

When I think of someone that has been a huge inspiration to me I cannot help but think of about one hundred kids, all under the age of seventeen, who […]

The Gift Of A Childhood

It is not that “at Camp Fantastic, the checkups just happen to be bookended by canoe rides, archery lessons, dance classes and a carnival,” but that, “at Camp Fantastic canoe rides, archery lessons, dance classes, and carnivals just happen to be bookended by medline.”

All About Camp Fantastic by Jonathan

Each day is a adventure. Kids laugh and play. There are many different activities to choose from. It’s like it’s your family. At Camp Fantastic, it’s like you’re free. Everyone […]

The Rewards of Risk

I am a bad singer. Like tone-deaf-nails-on-chalkboard crazy bad. When I was in high school, the family joke was that I was asked to sing solo…you know, so low that […]

Staff Reflections

I am truly humbled by the amazing group of volunteers who have gathered here for a week of service and compassion. Like most families, we are diverse. There are extroverts […]

Camp Fantastic 2012

We’re just getting started here at Camp Fantastic… stay tuned for more! It’s our 30th anniversary, so there will be a lot to celebrate!  

Inspirational People

survivorsSpecial Love’s mission is to provide “support services” to children with cancer and their families. Some of those services we can provide directly — scholarships, transportation to camp, etc — and some, perhaps the most important, require that we get out-of-the-way and let inspirational people share who they are with people who need inspiration.