
There’s a pediatric oncology unit in Brazil that’s trying out a fairly clever idea.  They’re using comic books and superheroes to explain chemotherapy to children.  Kids are given their drugs in super-hero branded IV containers and given comics and animated cartoons which depict heroes like Batman, Superman, and the Green Lantern getting similar “superformulas” to help them regain their powers.

Jordan Trufio

West Springfield High School student Jordan Trufio’s fight with cancer ended today.  Fellow student Sean Ngo contributed these thoughts on his passing.

Get Out of the Way

If I’ve learned one thing from the time I’ve spent at Special Love and Camp Fantastic, it’s that sometimes you just have to know when to get out of the way. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that I’ve let wiser heads (and younger hearts) prevail when it came to posting on Special Love’s blog, That said, it’s now a year and a half later and the stars have aligned to where I feel compelled to finally make an appearance blog-wise. Today is “Giving Tuesday” and I feel the need to give back to an organization that has given me so much.

Show your Camp Spirit!

As we head off to our week-long BRASS Camp and Camp Fantastic, you can join us!  By “showing your camp spirit,” you’ll attend camp virtually from the comfort of home […]

Camp Family

One of camp’s most bittersweet moments is the time when we have to say goodbye to a camper who’s passed out of eligability.  In order to make room for new campers facing the challenges and hardship of a new diagnosis we must turn away old friends who’ve finished their treatment and gone three years without relapse or recurrance.  We hate to see them leave but are glad to know that they can go.  Eligable to attend or not, however, they will aways be part of our camp family.

My inspiration….

When I think of someone that has been a huge inspiration to me I cannot help but think of about one hundred kids, all under the age of seventeen, who […]

The Gift Of A Childhood

It is not that “at Camp Fantastic, the checkups just happen to be bookended by canoe rides, archery lessons, dance classes and a carnival,” but that, “at Camp Fantastic canoe rides, archery lessons, dance classes, and carnivals just happen to be bookended by medline.”