Life was a Beach at Young Adults Weekend

Thank you to our sponsor the 12th Annual Joan Hisaoka “Make a Difference Gala”

YAC Weekend 2019 gave an intimate group of nearly two dozen young adult survivors and volunteers a two and a half days of relaxation, resource-sharing, and camaraderie at Airfield 4-H Center in Wakefield, VA. We led off the experience with some informal get-to-know-you activities and conversation well into the night.

The highlight of the weekend was a day-trip to Virginia Beach on Saturday, where the group braved the chilly Atlantic waves, lounged in the sun and sand, and enjoyed a delicious taco bar courtesy of the Weeks Family.

We made an impromptu stop for ice cream on the way back to the 4-H Center, then proceeded to enjoy Saturday night activities that included a roaring campfire, a Beach Movie trivia contest, and lots of Uno and other informal games. We laughed well into the night and woke up sleepy but satisfied with memories of friendships made and rekindled.

Thanks to the volunteers who made it possible for everyone to enjoy YAC Weekend. Visit Special Love’s website and Facebook Page for more upcoming family fun or call us at 888-930-2707 with questions.

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