Ryan’s Blog About Camp Fantastic

Ryan Tomoff

  Ryan pictured center with the tennis class at Camp Fantastic

When I was asked to write a blog for Special Love and what the transition was like from Camper to counselor I had to put a lot of thought and time before I could start writing it. Do not get me wrong but being a camper was a blast. When you’re a camper you have much more freedom as a person. The year off from the transition from camper to counselor was one of the hardest things because I would be missing out on all the fun at camp fantastic. As a counselor you will be asked all the where your campers are. As a counselor you have to worry about your campers and know where they are at all times. As a camper I was welcomed into the special love family and to this day I am still apart of this and have met the most fantastic people on the face of this earth. I have met some of my best friends, some who haven’t made it and those who have. I am so grateful to be such apart of a wonderful organization like special love.



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