
Help Special Love send a kid with cancer to camp.


Here’s what you can do…


Donation How it helps
$650 …sends a child for a week
$400 …sends a family to a weekend camp
$250 …sends a child for a weekend
$125 …feeds a child for a week at camp
$75 …sponsors a child for a day at camp
$25 …sends a hug to camp
For a gift of $250 or more, you receive our Special Love Camp Spirit Kit (including a camp t-shirt)!  Click here to see the Camp Spirit flyer.



Of course, every little bit helps. That’s why we leave it up to you to determine which gift is right for you.


Click the big gold button to donate.

Remember to
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to let us know if your gift is a tribute.

Be a virtual camper! Follow us on Facebook and through our camp blog during Camp Fantastic, August 11-17, 2013!