Programs for

BRASS Camp (BRothers And SiSters)

BRASS is designed specifically for the siblings of pediatric cancer patients, as well as bereaved siblings.

BRASS offers them a place for open, honest dialog with other campers and counselors to ensure they too are enveloped in a strong support system where they can put the family trauma of cancer away to spend time being a kid, In an environment where the focus is completely on them.
The importance BRASS plays in the siblings’ lives is significant; so much so that most camp counselors, as well as counselors-in-training, are former BRASS campers themselves.

Learn More About BRASS

Hope Fund Educational Scholarships

The Hope Fund Educational Scholarship was established in 2021 by Jodi DeOms McKay and Bryan DeOms, in loving memory of their parents Gary and Dianne DeOms. Both Gary and Diane (Mama D) were active and engaged supporters of Special Love programming. They took a particular interest in the brothers and sisters of children with cancer and their families. This scholarship program is designed to develop new talent in the fields of their personal professional experience.

The Hope Fund Educational Scholarship Fund for Siblings of Cancer Patients, provides educational scholarships to patient siblings, age 18 to 30, pursuing post-secondary education or training and who are or have participated in Special Love’s BRothers And Sisters (BRASS) programming. Each year, the fund makes grants based on available resources aimed at applicants who have demonstrated a financial need, academic potential and involvement with Special Love programming.

Scholarship awards are specifically for siblings of cancer patients at the collegiate level of undergraduate junior or above (to include graduate programs) whose degree interest is agriculture, science/medicine and/or non-profit management.

Awards are intended for to cover the student’s tuition and school fees only.

Link to this year's application

Next Program

BRASS Weekend

  • March 21 - March 23
  • Northern Virginia 4-H Educational and Conference Center

Upcoming Programs

Jul 13 2025


  • July 13 - July 19
  • Camp Maria Retreat Center

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