A cancer diagnosis changes every aspect of a family’s life. Next to the well-being of a child, a parent’s most pressing concern is often financial.

Special Love provides emergency financial relief to Special Love families, as well as families who have not yet participated in our programing, to help with non-medical financial needs through the Kathy Russell Emergency Relief Fund.

Emergency Fund Guidelines

  • Pediatric cancer patients (age 25 and under) who treated in the following states/districts:
    • Maryland
    • Washington, DC
    • West Virginia
    • Virginia
  • Families who have participated in at least one Special Love camp, adventure or family program (BRASS, Camp Fantastic, OctoberFest, Winter Weekend, etc.) may request assistance multiple times a year, with an annual limit of $2,000. Participation in Special Love programs is mandatory for consideration.
  • Non-participants of Special Love programming may receive one-time assistance of up to $500 with subsequent years’ assistance contingent on Special Love program participation.

Types of Expenses the fund covers:

  • Utilities (e.g. electric, gas, water, and wireline or wireless phone), which are in danger of being shut off for non-payment
  • Auto repairs that are necessary to allow a parent or caregiver to provide transportation to and from medical treatments
  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Other emergency situations involving basic living expenses
  • Funeral expenses

Requests for funding must be submitted as follows:

  • Through a social worker, doctor, or other hospital representative familiar with the patient’s family.
  • Accompanied by a copy of the bill for services, which should include the family’s name, address where the service was provided, account number, and amount due.
  • Social worker, doctor, or hospital representative should fill out request form and submit to Special Love’s Director of Finance and Operations.
  • Payment(s) will be sent directly to the vendor and not the patient family

All requests are screened by Special Love’s Director of Finance & Operations for eligibility and approved by Special Love’s Executive Director.

Please contact Sherry Lupisella for more information